发表时间:2010-05-26 作者:风魔录 编辑:风魔录 来源:未知
前言 神風敢死並非我的專長,所以拖了很久.由於拖得太久,此打法已經有很多人再用了.可能有點抄襲的嫌疑,所以不便發表太多.我用此打法,運氣好的話.能夠殺過神,不好的話,亦能玉石俱焚.希望大家給點意見,討論.這篇不用貪生怕死.所以大家敢敢發言. 英雄介紹(Hero Introduction) 所有和Vol`jin打过交道的人都知道,他不在乎冒风险。作为一个巫毒术的巫师,有一定的觉悟是必要的,但完全不懂得理智的重要就太糟糕了。Vol`jin在巫毒术上的研究取得了辉煌的成果,包括治愈伤口的能力、对能弹射数米远的麻痹性药剂的运用以及最惊人的,能够剥夺生命力的诅咒。得到如此强大的力量是不可能不引起注意的,在 Vol`jin的试验变得越来越不稳定、越来越具毁灭性时,巫妖王动手了。 Vol`Jin is a risk-taker. Anyone who has ever crossed paths with him can tell you that. As a voodoo priest, you need a certain degree of it. It's too bad he never learned the value of discretion. Vol`Jin`s experiments in jungle magic yielded brilliant results- the ability to mend wounds, casks filled with paralyzing combinations of herbs that could scatter for miles, and even a curse capable of stripping the life force from a living being. Of course, no amount of power gained goes without notice. As Vol`Jin`s experiments became more and more unstable and destructive, the Lich King made his move. 初始射程 (Base Range): 600 | 初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7 初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 305 | 初始防御 (Base Armor): 1.0 基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence | 初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 51 - 61 初始力量值 (Base Strength): 16 | 初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 13 | 初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 19 力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.8 | 敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.4 | 智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.9 英雄分析: 敏捷過低,不可能轉型成DPS或攻擊性的.但卻得衝鋒陷陣.原因是不在乎冒風險,因為已經有了覺悟. 技能介绍 麻痹药剂 (Paralyzing Casks) [C] 巫医向敌人投掷一些装满了麻痹粉末的药剂,并使它们在敌人之间弹来弹去,每次弹射令敌人晕眩较短的一段时间(英雄1秒,普通单位5秒),并对普通单位造成75/100/125/150点的伤害。 施法距离:700 冷却时间:20秒 魔法消耗:140点 Vol'jin launches a cask of paralyzing powder that bounce between foes, stunning those effected for a short period of time (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 75 damage per bounce to non-hero units. 一级 - 弹跳2次。 二级 - 弹跳4次。 三级 - 弹跳6次。 四级 - 弹跳8次。 Level 1 - Paralyzing cask bounce 2 times between enemy units (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 75 damage to non-hero units per bounce. Level 2 - Paralyzing cask bounce 4 times between enemy units (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 100 damage to non-hero units per bounce. Level 3 - Paralyzing cask bounce 6 times between enemy units (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 125 damage to non-hero units per bounce. Level 4 - Paralyzing cask bounce 8 times between enemy units (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 150 damage to non-hero units per bounce. 優點:連續暈,遊說敢說不好? 缺點:對英雄單位無傷害. 巫毒回复术 (Voodoo Restoration) [V] 巫医集中他的巫毒魔法来医疗周围的友方单位。 作用范围:340 魔法消耗:70+10/80+10/90+10/100+10点 Vol'jin focuses his voodoo magic to heal nearby allied units. |nDrains 10 mana/sec until deactivated. 一级 - 每秒恢复6点的生命。 二级 - 每秒恢复12点的生命。 三级 - 每秒恢复18点的生命。 四级 - 每秒恢复24点的生命。 Level 1 - Activate Voodoo Restoration to heal allied units around you for 6 hp/sec. Drains 10 mana/sec until deactivated. Level 2 - Activate Voodoo Restoration to heal allied units around you for 12 hp/sec. Drains 10 mana/sec until deactivated. Level 3 - Activate Voodoo Restoration to heal allied units around you for 18 hp/sec. Drains 10 mana/sec until deactivated. Level 4 - Activate Voodoo Restoration to heal allied units around you for 24 hp/sec. Drains 10 mana/sec until deactivated. 優點:大範圍回血,團戰時的些許幫助. 缺點:太顯眼,容易成為目標.
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